Ahh, the joys of motherhood...!
She.....worketh willingly with her hands
Pro 31:13
:: sleep, sweet boy ::
It's an 'all-over' good sign, and I am thankful!
Here is Daddy Marvin with a fussy little Gerad when he was still being tube-fed. After an exhausting night, this is how Momma Hannie found then in the morning.
For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised:
1Ch 16:25
Oh, the joy of holding your own little one in your arms! Marvin and Hannie can’t get enough! Today Opa and Oma Bos visited and there was Hannie, strolling around with her dear baby Gerad in her arms! Later on she came into the room and walked over to the crib, but baby Gerad was not there….but laying safely and contently in his fathers arms in the chair!
Feeding is still difficult, but the doctor said this afternoon that that is quite normal for a baby like Gerad and it could take up to four weeks before that is better.
If all goes like it is, they might be coming home the beginning of next week!!!! Gerad will come home with his feeding tube and tonight Marvin was being taught how to put a feeding tube into Gerad’s nose. For the first while after they come home, there will be a nurse that will come every day to see how things are going, gradually reducing the times she comes. Until his next surgery alot can change, but they want to wait it out as long as possible so Gerad can mature and grow stronger!
Hello Everyone!
Just another Big THANK YOU for all the loving support
that we have been getting!!! Words can not tell how touching it all is. Thanks
for all the meals, phone calls, cards, visits, thoughts and Prayers! We
got to hold Gerad last night! Those were precious moments!!! Gerad loves to be
bundled up tightly and cuddled! Also a big THANK YOU to Tante Bou for all
the time and effort you have spent on Gerad's blog up till now! As you can see
from the comments, everyone is very thankful that they can follow along day by
day. Also thank you very much to everyone that has left comments and sent
us e-mails the last few weeks. It really helps us to get through this difficult
time. Take care everyone!Love Marv, Hannie and Gerad!!!