Friday, October 31, 2008

Come Visit...!

First, you have to wash your hands...

then you may hold and touch and snuggle baby Gerad!

This is his feeding tube. Where mom Hannie is holding the tube,
that is how far it was into his body!

Gerad and one of his friends!

What sacred trust! What holy thrill!
To hold my newborn, soft and still-
A soul to live eternally;
Dear Lord, we humbly look to Thee.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

No more tubes...

Yes, our little Gerad has no more tubes or wires attached! After a visit with the pediatric cardiologist in London, Daddy Marvin got the go-ahead to take the feeding tube out. That means he is drinking everything he needs from the bottle!!!!

I hope to post some pictures of Gerad soon, now that he is looking like the real him! Today Home Care is coming again for a visit, just a checkup and to answer any questions Han and Marv may have.

Hannie is getting the taste of having a newborn baby~she is tired!!!! =)
But I am glad she is, for it means she is at home and adjusting to the normal life of having a new baby! She, and Marv too, have alot of memories of the past weeks to simply digest, to laugh about, smile, to appreciate, to cry over, be thankful for and to just stand still and be in awe! They are very happy to be home! It really helps alot that willing hands are blessing them with meals. What would we do without friends and family!!!

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts...
and be ye thankful
Colossians 3:15

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Home, Sweet Home!

My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude and thanksgiving to see my dear nephew Home, alert, awake, looking around and acting like any other baby! How special he is!!!

If only you could all see for yourself how adorable he is!
Today his bottle feeding was good, with no leftovers to go through his feeding tube! He is such a joy to see. I was able to hold him for the first time, feed him a little, cuddle him and change his tiny diaper. Oh, and did I say he is adorable?

For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised:

1Ch 16:25

Friday, October 24, 2008


...that the Lord has made,
we will greatly rejoice, and be glad in it...

Marvin, Hannie and Gerad are
coming HOME!!!!!!

To Gerad, from 'tutte' Grie

Dear Gerad,

Hoger dan de blauwe luchten
en de sterretjes van goud,
woont de Vader in de Hemel
die van alle kinderen houd.
Ook voor zieke kinderen zorgt Hij
kent je tranen kent je pijn.
Ja, voor groten en voor kleinen
wil de Heer een helper zijn.
Daarom vragen wij eerbiedig,
vouwen wij de handjes saam,
Heer die altijd naar ons luistert
neem ook ons gebedje aan, Amen.

Love 'tutte'Grie, ome Jan en de kinderen

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Day Closer to Coming HOME!!

This picture was taken on Monday evening.

Oh, the joy of holding your own little one in your arms! Marvin and Hannie can’t get enough! Today Opa and Oma Bos visited and there was Hannie, strolling around with her dear baby Gerad in her arms! Later on she came into the room and walked over to the crib, but baby Gerad was not there….but laying safely and contently in his fathers arms in the chair!

Feeding is still difficult, but the doctor said this afternoon that that is quite normal for a baby like Gerad and it could take up to four weeks before that is better.
If all goes like it is, they might be coming home the beginning of next week!!!! Gerad will come home with his feeding tube and tonight Marvin was being taught how to put a feeding tube into Gerad’s nose. For the first while after they come home, there will be a nurse that will come every day to see how things are going, gradually reducing the times she comes. Until his next surgery alot can change, but they want to wait it out as long as possible so Gerad can mature and grow stronger!

What shall I render unto the LORD
for all his benefits toward me?
I will take the cup of salvation,
and call upon the name of the LORD.
Psa 116:12,13

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quick update!!!

Gerad is off his monitors!!!
Now Marvin and Hannie can walk around with him freely!!!
Every hour a nurse comes in to check his vitals, and today he also had his discharge echo done, of which we do not know the results from, though. Drinking is still not the way it should, but we hope our prayers may be answered soon!

Drink, Gerad, drink!

Everything is going quite well, however Gerad still has difficulty drinking his bottle. He does take it and drinks till he gets too tired. The rest then enters his system through his feeding tube. Han and Marv have to feed him slowly and stop with the bottle when he falls asleep or when he starts coughing etc., just so he doesn’t get too tired and his heart doesn’t have to work too hard.

God Bless Marvin and Hannie as they have been learning to give Gerad his blood thinner injection. He needs it twice a day until his second surgery so his shunt will not clot.

The only other medication Gerad is getting is for reflux, so he doesn’t gag so much when they are feeding him.

Dear little Gerad, we are praying for you that you quickly learn to like drinking from your bottle! Be strong and keep trying! We will also pray that your mommy and daddy stay strong as they learn to give you your injections to keep your little heart healthy and working! Know that you are very much loved!!!

Simply trusting every day,
Trusting through a stormy way;
Even when our faith is small,
Trusting Jesus-that is all.

Singing if our way is clear,
Praying if the path is drear;
If in danger, for Him call,
Trusting Jesus-that is all.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sleep Well Tonight Gerad (and parents!!)

Nothing has really changed, other than Gerad drinking from his bottle three times today! What he didn't drink went through his feeding tube, but him drinking from the bottle is still good progress!

He does have the nights and days mixed up, sleeping soundly during the day and keeping his parents awake during the night! (me just thinks baby Gerad needs a little talk with his tante Bou!)
Tea Michele visited Gerad last night with uncle Albert.
For health and healing, Thank You, Lord,
Who values each soul's worth;
Whate'er You send, we humbly say,
Thy will be done on earth.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Special Note!!

Hi, How are you doing? I am doing ok.
Saturday was moving day for me!!! I went all the wayto the fourth floor. I have my own room that I get to share with my dad and mom! Just like I would be doing if I was at home. Mom and dad get to do lots of stuff to me now like diaper changes, washing, feeding through my tube, making me more comfortable and lots more things.
Yesterday nurse Alaina took my pacing wires out. They were there to hook up to a pace-maker if I would need one. The wires went through my skin and the ends sat right on top of my heart. But now they are out and I am thankful that they did not have to be put to use.
I was very fussy saturday night. We didn't get much sleep because i kept crying and throwing up, and I did NOT want the bottle. Doctors accessed me and they decided that maybe I was getting my belly filled too fast so now I get my milk through the tube again but its hooked up to a pump that regulates how fast the milk goes into my tummy and I have been feeling much better already.
I stopped getting the bottle yesterday because I was not drinking and it took too much energy out of me trying so hard and that burns too many calories and I need all the calories that I can get!This afternoon a lady will talk to mom and dad and try to slowly bottle feed me again and give some tips to help mom and dad feed me.
Also some BIG news!!!! All the medication lines are out! All I still have is the PICC line and that is so the nurses can give me medications if I need it! I also still have a feeding tube that goes in through my nose and then to my belly. One thing I don't like about that (and mom doesn't either) is that now I get a needle two times a day that I get blood thinner through, so that my shunt doesn't clot.
There are still sticky things on my chest to monitor my heart and the red light (that you have seen on pictures) is still on my foot or hand to monitor the oxygen level in my blood. So as you can read a lot has changed for me! But so far the doctors and nurses are happy with how I am doing, and as soon as i start feeding better my mom and dad can start thinking about taking me home. That's all for now!
Love Gerad Neels

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Parental Love and Duties =)

Little Gerad is learning and been drinking from a bottle fairly well! Last feeding he drank 20 cc and then was too sleepy to drink the remaining 5 cc so that went through his feeding tube. Every three hours he does receive 3 cc more milk, so build up his intake.

He has been moved to fourth floor into a parent room where Marv and Hannie have a shower/bath room and a bed and cot in the room! They enjoy feeding, burping, bathing, diaper changing, dressing when he needs it: and hugging and snuggling Gerad simply when they want to!

Marv said he has a good cry: evidence of a healing throat and a good pair of lungs!

Marv and Hannie, here is Ceasar!
Our boys got to play with him and Buddy a bit yesterday!

'My God is so BIG,
So strong and so mightly
there's nothing my God cannot do...'

Friday, October 17, 2008

This is the Lord's Doing...

Gerad and his 'new look'...

Gerad and his new room...

and Gerad in his new bed!

I will praise thee;
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are thy works;
and that my soul knoweth right well.
Psa 139:14

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Wonder of It All!

I am very blessed to bring you a good report once again!

Gerad is entirely breathing on his own, he is down to two medications, one for his heart, and morphine. (morphine being down to 18 mg from 50 mg last week!) He receives two different liquids foods besides the 9 cc of breastmilk through his feeding tube.

Although he does not like being handled, Marv and Hannie enjoy holding him and can't get enough! They are aiding their son to practise drinking by dipping a soother or drink nipple into milk and letting him suck, but he has a hard time of getting the idea to suck, swallow, breathe. Considering he is our little fighter, he will get through this. One step at a time! We love you, Gerad!

Because all parent-patient rooms were full up on fourth floor, they hope to have one available tomorrow!

What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
Hebrew 2:6

Thank you!

Hello Everyone!

Just another Big THANK YOU for all the loving support
that we have been getting!!! Words can not tell how touching it all is. Thanks
for all the meals, phone calls, cards, visits, thoughts and Prayers! We
got to hold Gerad last night! Those were precious moments!!! Gerad loves to be
bundled up tightly and cuddled! Also a big THANK YOU to Tante Bou for all
the time and effort you have spent on Gerad's blog up till now! As you can see
from the comments, everyone is very thankful that they can follow along day by
day. Also thank you very much to everyone that has left comments and sent
us e-mails the last few weeks. It really helps us to get through this difficult
time. Take care everyone!Love Marv, Hannie and Gerad!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

To Hold and to Love

After supper Hannie was exhausted, so she went for a sleep. When she awoke, she went out to find Marvin and lo and behold, he was sitting in a rocking chair holding Gerad in his ARMS! She texted me with excitement and that it was HER TURN NEXT! Marvin said it was like being a dad again!

What a blessing!

How sweet to hold a newborn baby
and feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance
This child can face uncertain days because He lives!

More of God's Goodness!

Things have been improving so quickly these last few days! From 12 different medications a few days ago to only 4 today! His chest drain is out now too, as is his oxygen tube in his nostrils that they put in just to aid him a bit. His I.V. in his right foot is out as is his catheter. Now he 'only' has his PICC line yet, two I.V.'s into each groan and his feeding tube.
And the most exciting part is that Marv and Hannie might get to hold him TONIGHT yet!!!
Opa and Oma Neels hope to go back home come saterday, so they might even be able to hold him too yet before they go!!!
Usually a heart patient goes into a 'step down' room (with four other patients and one nurse)before being moved into a parent room on fourth floor, but most likely by the end of the week Marvin and his family will be on the fourth floor, since he came off the heart medication today and so bypass the 'step down' room! Isn't God Good?
So far Marvin and Hannie have still been able to stay at the Childrens Hospital which means being right down the hall from Gerad instead of a few city blocks away during the nights! Yes, God is very Good!

This is the LORD'S doing;
it is marvellous in our eyes.
Psa 118:23

Another day, another step forward!!!

Not only did Gerad get moved into the room next door, but he has a real crib now, which makes him look small.

He was wearing his touque (hat) again. The nurse said that his cathedar is out now and maybe his chest drain will come out today too! His oxygen level was a bit low overnight so they did have to insert a temporary oxygen tube in his nostrils just till he can maintain his own levels by himself. Other than that the nurses are happy with him, they said he had a good night and seems comfortable.
So, if all goes well, maybe within a few days they can go up to the fourth floor, which means a room with just mom, dad and baby!!!! And where holding and hugging is greatly encouraged!!!
They continue to lower his medications to slowly wean him off.

the Lord's hand is not shortened,
that it cannot save;
neither His ear heavy,
that it cannot hear.
Isaiah 59:1

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The ventilator is OUT!

More beads~mainly from his surgery.

Praises to our Lord and King! The breathing tube is OUT! Marv said he has been washed and looks so shiny and pink now! So far he is doing good without it!

Now little Gerad has a hood. It is like a square, see-through box over his head that gets oxygen and humid air pumped into it so Gerad can breath that to help with the healing of his throat. Several times he has wanted to cry, but just can’t yet, and mostly takes up to a few days after the ventilator is out before he can utter sound again.

Makes me just want to scoot over to Toronto to go see him with less tubes attached to him, but hopefully we will have many chances yet to see him that way! God is Good! Obviously coming off the ventilater is a huge step, but in the mean time it is also common for it to be re-inserted again. Let’s pray that won’t need to happen and he can continue to heal and recuperate, and the sooner Hannie and Marvin can SNUGGLE their dear, huggable, precious, gorgeous, cute, charming, adorable, beloved, all together sweet little bundle of delight!

Mwah. <---a kiss from us, dear Gerad!

And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee;

he will be with thee, he will not fail thee,

neither forsake thee:

fear not, neither be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31:8

Monday, October 13, 2008

More Steps Ahead

Gerad is slowly being weaned off medications. He no longer has medication for blood pressure and they are reducing the medicine to keep his heart pumping. Do you notice the touch of care on Gerad's little cheek? A nurse cut that out of 'tape' to hold the tubes in place. Yesterday he was wearing a fish!
His abdomen is swollen and they took an x-ray, but saw nothing. He now gets 9 cc breastmilk~ of which there is a bountiful supply~ every three hours! He has two tubes, one that drains his chest and another going into his abdomen (not sure what for), but they clamped the one going into his stomach today to see if he would tolerate without it and he seemed to do well. Once that tube can be taken out, he can come off the ventilator!!! Maybe tomorrow!

At times he is quite awake, but while I was with him this afternoon, he was sleeping contently and seemed to like laying on his side. He looks so much more comfy that way!

He had a slight temperature so the nurse placed a bag of ice on his head to cool him off. He didn’t seem to mind at all!

Here is nurse Kim doing bloodwork, filling his 'bottle' with milk, among other things.

We have thought, O God,

on Your lovingkindness.

Psalms 48:9

Hannie's birthday!

Happy 22nd Birthday Hannie!
Here she is 'reading' her bouquet of hearts

Tante Hannie and Hendrik looking at the picture album from Gerad.

Visiting and celebrating in the hospital waiting room.

The proud parents of dear little Gerad!

Besides us visiting, Both Opa's and Oma's came, Grietje and Johan came and Evelyn and her little girl drove 'all the way' to Toronto. This morning Hannie felt very special when Marvin presented her with a card with the little footprints of Gerad!

The LORD is good to all:

and his tender mercies are over all his works.

Psa 145:9

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Things Looking Better!

I spoke with Marvin earlier and things are going better! Gerad's heart rate was down, his blood pressure up and they want to start weaning him off some medication throughout the tonight. He is able to lay on his sides, they are letting him breath more on his own, and he still does NOT like it when they handle him or change his diapers!

Speaking of diapers: he is filling his quite good! He was wetting them so much that it was lowering his blood pressure, causing them to put him on medication to up his blood pressure.

The doctors are pleased with Gerad's progress the last two days. May he continue to improve and let us not slack in praying for him and his parents. Hannie hopes to have her 22 nd birthday on Monday; Bless her with a note via email! She would be very pleased!

So far Marvin and Hannie are still staying at the hospital. They have a room just off the main waiting area for the Critical Care Unit and just steps away from Gerad's room. It has only the basics, but they are thankful for it!

This morning two sisters from Marvin, Kathryn and Evelyn, arrived from B.C.! They hope to stay till next week. Opa and Oma Neels are still here too and hope to go home with their daughters.
....the bond of FAMILY!

I hope you all have a very Blessed Sunday and Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is good, but thanksliving is better!

Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness,
which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.
2Co 9:11

Friday, October 10, 2008

He's is doing OK!

We are glad you stopped by for a little update....
from our dear little Gerad:

~At 6:30 he was looking better!
~they are doing bloodwork every 4 hours now, instead of every hour!
~he is coming off of his muscle relaxant so he is starting to move and open his eyes!
What a Friend we have in Jesus
Who with all our sorrows share
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in Prayer!


Our Father knows what's best for us,
So why should we complain ...
We always want the sunshine,
But He knows there must be rain.

We love the sound of laughter
And the merriment of cheer;
But our hearts would lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Our Father tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow;
He tests us, not to punish us,
But to help us meet "tomorrow."

For growing trees are strengthened
When they withstand the storm;
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gives the marble grace and form.

God never hurts us needlessly,
And He never wastes our pain;
For every loss He sends to us
Is followed by rich gain.

And when we count the blessings
That God has so freely sent;
We will find no cause for murmuring
And no time to lament.

For Our Father loves His children,
And to Him all things are plain;
So He never sends us "pleasure"
When the "soul's deep need is pain."

So whenever we are troubled,
And when everything goes wrong,
It is just God working in us
To make ‘our spirits strong.’

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

God's Grace

The nurses love his kissable lips. Who wouldn't?

Another night has gone by and we still have are beautiful son in our midst. Things have gone so smoothly the last week you soon forget how fragile life is. But as we stood at his bedside this morning we realize our sick little boy again was graciously spared. We don't deserve this but we try to be truly thankful for these blessings. As I sat with Gerad yesterday things really took a turn for the worse. Gerad's blood pressure was dropping at a alarming rate and his heart tried to compromise by beating faster till it reached a much too high pace of 185 bpm. The nurse didn't wait long to call doctors, surgeons and other cardiac professionals to Gerads bedside. As I stood in the background watching them try to decide what to do, you really feel the bond we have with our son. Our son is laying there struggling for his life and these men have to make decisions that may help him. Then you truly learn what it is to "pray without ceasing". But once again Gerad received strength to pull through. And although it was a few hours till everyone was satisfied again, his blood pressure slowly climbed back up to an acceptable level and his blood tests also showed a better nutrient content.

Gerad has been stable all night, his blood pressure has been good, his heart rate is still a little high but the doctors say this is acceptable considering what Gerad has gone through yesterday. So we are very thankful they didn't have to open his chest again because that would have been a big step backwards. So once again so far so good.


Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks,
unto thee do we give thanks:
for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare.
Psa 75:1

Anyone that would like to
send Marvin and Hannie an email
may email to:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Prayer Request!!!

Do you believe God and His Word when he says:

Be careful for nothing;
but in every thing BY PRAYER and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Php 4:6,7
This morning the doctors closed little Gerad's chest but at 1:00 this afternoon his numbers were not good at all causing hypertension, possibly due to his heart not having so much room now, since his chest is closed. The doctors were ready to open it again, but thankfully his vital signs started to show better numbers!
He received more blood, calcium and they are minimizing his fluid intake so he won't retain too much fluid which is common after closing of his chest. He now has two strings attached to his chest to give his heart more room. If you go back to the post from last saterday you can see a blue string going through the white sterile cloth and up, hanging from his heating lamp. He now has two strings. They are keeping him under complete sedation.
Pray for little Gerad! And for Marvin and Hannie!

One step at a time

Each time Marv and Hannie want to see Gerad, they need to call the nurses to see if they can come in, just to make sure they are not in the middle of doing something, such as working on him or doing a shift change. This morning they called in and they had already started the procedure of closing his chest!! That is SUCH a blessing; now that can start to heal!!! One step at a time. The Nurse said yesterday Gerad would retain fluid again (but not as much) and will have to lose it again. For the rest he was doing good yesterday.

He did have an episode that really scared them. Hannie was just standing behind his bed talking to a nurse when he suddenly started breathing quick short breaths. He had the hiccups and it must have made him very uncomfortable. He squirmed and tried to cry but couldn't because of the tubes down his throat and then he turned blue and hot. After a few minutes he calmed down, although those minutes seemed more like an hour. Marvin and Hannie were relieved but thankful that it was not something more serious! With the possibility of taking steps backwards, he continues to take little steps forward.

See these little feet? They look so sweet and adorable, don't they? Well, he is causing mischief with them allready! He was laying there, awake and kicking away with these little feet when one of his tubes got stuck between his toes and as he stretched, plop, out he pulled the tube! That is when he fell soundly asleep and the nurse had a hard time explaining that Gerad himself had caused the trouble and she didn't do it: "HE did it, he did it...!" she repeated, as Gerad lay sleeping like a good little boy!!!

He gets lots of 'oohs and ahhhs' on his toes:
"Look at those toes...!"
"wow, he could poke my eyes out with those...!"
"with feet like that he'll be climbing trees in no time...!"

But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Luk 12:7

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One Week Old Today!

Dear little Gerad,

Remember when I visited you last night? When I talked to you, you kicked with your little legs and even opened your eyes a bit as to see who I was. Even among all the tubes and drains and wires, I could definitely see how cute you are! The nurses think so too, and that is why they gave you a smiley face bead on your string! Did you kick off your blanket again after we left? =)
Your Daddy and Mommy are staying so strong through this all. They long so greatly to hold you, but can’t yet because of your open chest. I am praying that you recover in leaps and bounds and we all can hold you and you can snuggle up against us! You are a little, strong fighter, you know!
Tante Grie and your cousin Johan came from Holland yesterday too! Your mom was happy for that and I hope they can visit you as often as possible.
God Bless you dear Gerad!

Love and gentle hugs, tante Bou

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gerad's Bravery Heart Beads

Bead Colour Legend

Biopsy Yellow Donut
Bone Marrow Aspirate Green Sparkle
Bone Marrow Transplant Large Plastic Heart
CCU Admission Iridescent Raspberry
Central Line/Port/Pic Line Insertion Small Gold Heart
Clinic Visit Royal Blue
Completion of Treatment Happy Face Daisy
Course of Chemotherapy Multi Coloured
Dressing Changes White
Emergency/Ambulance/Unusual Occurance Gold
Hair Loss/Thinning Wooden Face
Inpatient Admission Orange
Intra Muscular Injection Mauve
Isolation Multi Coloured Bear
IV Start Florescent Green
Lumbar Puncture Fushia
Morphine Infusion Pink Wooden Round
Port Access Sapphire Crow
Radiation/Simulation Glow In The Dark
Satellite Visit Cars & Trains Neon
Stem/Bone Marrow Harvest/Dialysis Small Heart
Surgery Crystal
Tests/Scans Stars
TPN Yellow Wooden
Transfusion Red
Tube Insertion (eg. Catheter, Chest, NG) Clear
WOW/Special Accomplishment/Recognition Special Bead

Blessings, blessings, blessings...

....manifold blessings!

Our little Gerad is continuing to take steps forward to healing. Last night he was able to do away with 1 liter of fluid by himself! His head arms and legs are looking back to normal. Obviously he has lost weight and Daddy Marvin tells me his legs look like chicken legs! What a blessing he was 8 pounds at birth!

The doctors and nurses are looking at closing his chest by thursday and everything looks good. He is constantly under close monitering to keep everything is check, but he is responding well to everything.

Marvin and Hannie have, up to this far, been able to stay and sleep at the Childrens Hospital and that is another blessing! This morning they heard a "code blue" call and it frightened them out of their beds. Thankfully is was not little Gerad, but it was someone else's child. A child that also has loving parents, grandparents and extended family! Pray for them, as you pray for Gerad, Marvin and Hannie!

As I was thinking this morning about all the Blessings we have received, I started to make a mental list. From Gerad's steps forward to recovery, the Lord's sustaining of Marvin and Hannie, the loving touch and care of nurses, the wisdom of doctors, the love of friends, the presence of grandparents who are at the hospital as much as possible, phones and computers to keep up-to-date and stay in touch, answered prayers, safe travels up and down to Toronto, the breath of life, and the list goes on...!
Just only considering how God has made our bodies so fearfully and so wonderfully, that doctors can reconstruct little tiny hearts and then aid the body to recovery, makes us stand in awe at our Maker! How he has made bodies, even tiny baby ones, to handle so much stress and still be able to fight and hang on and recuperate! How fearfully we are made!

And it shall be to ME a name of joy,
a praise and an honour before all the nations of the earth,
which shall hear all the good that I do unto them:
and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness
and for all the prosperity that I procure unto it.
Jer 33:9

Monday, October 6, 2008

To Gerad, love Mommy and Daddy


(For when you read this when you are older...)

Know that we love you VERY, VERY much! We are very thankful that we are blessed with a boy like you as our son! can't wait to take you home baby Gerad! it's amazing how a bundle like you can touch us SO deeply! Get well soon!!! We cant wait to hold you again!
Love you LOTS and more!!!!
Love your daddy and mommy
ps. Be Strong

Gerad, our little, strong fighter!

Precious little Gerad is doing OK! His swelling is coming down and he is showing all good signs! His eyes are not so puffy and swollen as before and he is trying to open them by sqwinting! The swelling is very common in children after heart surgery, but he is learning again to handle the fluid, and his output is more than his input. He is still on medication for the swelling to urine better and getting his kidneys so start doing their job again.
He is on 3cc of breastmilk every 3 hours and digesting it!

No more muscle relaxants, but they had to up his morphine as he was moving too much yesterday, and he needed to calm down. He is maintaining his blood pressure, although is heart rate goes up when you touch him, and he shows a little temper, according to Daddy Marv!

Yesterday Hannie was able to do some mothering, cleaning little Gerad's eyes with sterile wipes and cleaning his mouth.

As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you;

Isa 66:13

No News just yet

We have not heard how Precious little Gerad is doing. About an hour ago, Marv and Hannie hadn't seen him yet, and I am sure they will call with an update when they have seen their little boy. I will let you know when I know something! In the is

Momma Hannie and her little boy!

Be careful for nothing;
but in every thing BY PRAYER and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Php 4:6,7

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Precious little Gerad!

Marvin just called for an update and the nurses are happy about how he is doing. Lieve Gerad is stable, still critical, but doing everything he is expected to do. Last night when his sugar levels went up, it was actually a good sign as his body knew something was happening, creating more sugar, so he would have enough energy to fight.

He is on a ventilator because his breathing has to stay regular since his chest is still open and not to cause any extra stress on his chest area. He will be on the ventilator for at least the next two days.

He was on medication to control his blood pressure, but that now has come off and he is maintaining his blood pressure very well.

His color is pinky and that’s good as it means he is getting enough oxygen!

Ye that fear the LORD,
trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.
Psa 115:11

Little Steps Forward

Gerad is taking little steps forward in his recovery. During last night they did have to give him insulin as his sugar level went a little high, although it was nothing serious. He will be in critical care until tomorrow night, or Monday, but he is stable, and taking little steps forward. During surgery he had two pacemakers, afterward he had one, and now his heart is pumping completely on its own.

Ome Klaas and Tante Linda visited him and Marv and Hannie today and took pictures with my camera, but they are not back yet, so I don’t have up-to-date pictures to share. It is sad to see him all hooked up, they said, and the nurses are encouraging Marv and Hannie to keep touching him and talking to him. ‘…he knows who mommy and daddy are.’

On a lighter note, the nurse told them to not come back until they have bought some booties for Gerad, some more toys, and another blanket. So that is what they are going to do now. I hope they will get him the BEST ones they can find, don’t you?

At least until Monday, Marv and Hannie have a room at the same hospital as Gerad, but then they get a room at the Ronald McDonald house which is about a 20 min walk from the Hospital for Sick Children.

Bravery Heart Beads.

Each little patient is given a necklace with their name on it. As Gerad
undergoes difficult treatments, testing or surgery he receives special
plastic or wooden beads, called Bravery Heart Beads, to commemorate these milestones.
Eventually he can wear his beads proudly as a necklace or
wristband, or attached it to toys, IV poles and maybe for now, his parents! =).
The necklace documents and honors the experience of
all his treatments, enabling him to later tell his unique story in a tangible,
visual way. It will be a precious keepsakes that is viewed as a medal or badge
of courage. Before his surgery he had about 8 or 10, and after his surgery he received 13 more.

Be strong, little Gerad! We love you VERY MUCH and continue to pray for you! A BIG ((( HUG ))) from us all!
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep:
for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8

Friday, October 3, 2008


For the record, Marvin and Hannie's baby's name is
Gerad Johannes!
Gerad after Opa Neels and Johannes after Hannie's only uncle on her mothers side
GERAD in sign language:
Quick update:
~they have been able to see him, or what you can see of him, as there are lots of wires and tubes attached to his small body.
~they are keeping him sedated,
~his vitals are showing good readings!

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,
and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

Pro 22:1