Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another quick update...

here is another update from Hannie via texting:

7:30 p.m. We finally seen him. He's still laying so so still. I know he has to but it's so hard to see him not move. I hope And pray he recovers REAL quick!

Doctors are very pleased with how the operation went.

I hope to talk to Hannie in the morning and will update you all more specifically.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.
Psa 23:2


Here is what Hannie just texted me:

Operation is done!
Just waiting for bleeding to stop which is normal and can take an hour or longer. Then he can be closed. :-)

Gerad just picked up for surgery...

:: holding the needle... ::
This morning Hannie's wish came true....she and Marv will no longer need to give Gerad his needle twice a day to keep the shunt open. Hannie is SO HAPPY!!
As of 1 p.m., someone was going to pick up Gerad from the OR playroom where Hannie and Marv were waiting and take him into surgery! Hugs to you, Gerad and may God Bless the surgery! Lots of love from tante Bou!

Little delay..

Gerad was first going to have surgery this morning, but it has been put off till this afternoon. He needed to fast since 2 a.m., so he is getting extra hungry now, but still doing ok. The surgeon was very pleased with Gerad and asked Hannie and Marv if they wanted to participate in a study. They are still thinking about it. They would take various samples of skin , blood samples as well as samples during his operation.

Looking at other sick children around them, Hannie can't help but feel very blessed.

It will be a long day as we wait. Pray for Marvin, Hannie, Gerad, the doctors, grandparents and all who are involved with Gerads care.

Stay busy...

God is good, all the time.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Bi-Directional Glenn Summary

I took this from http://www.severinbrenny.com/bidirectional_glenn_operation.html to give you a bit of an idea what will be happening tomorrow.

The bidirectional Glenn procedure is the surgery used to prepare the heart for a Fontan procedure. It is a surgery in which a detour (shunt) is created from the aorta to the pulmonary artery. The surgery is performed on infants and young children who are born with a congenital heart defect that reduces the amount of oxygen-rich blood circulating throughout the body. These infants often show signs such as a bluish tint (cyanosis) to the skin, lips, fingernails and other parts of the body. Although a successful procedure will improve immediate signs and symptoms of the underlying heart defect, the procedure does not correct the heart defect. Other surgeries are usually necessary in the future to repair the defect itself. The surgery involves an incision in the chest, but it is not an open-heart surgery. Parents can expect their infant to remain in the hospital for about three to six days after the surgery.

Bidirectional Glenn Shunt
What is the Fontan modification called the Bidirectional Glenn shunt ? Although not exactly a Fontan operation, a bidirectional Glenn (BDG) shunt is similar to it - and is called a type of "Partial Fontan" operation. The bidirectional shunt is performed by connecting the superior vena cava (SVC) to the right branch of the pulmonary artery using fine sutures, and dividing or tying up the pulmonary artery. Now, venous blood from the head and upper limbs will pass directly to the lungs, bypassing the right ventricle. The venous blood from the lower half of the body however will continue to enter the heart. At a second operation, the lower body venous blood will also be diverted to the lungs, thus creating the "complete" Fontan circulation.The bidirectional Glenn shunt is preferred in very small babies - below 2 years of age - in whom the lung vessel resistance is still quite high, and in borderline cases with abnormal pulmonary arteries. While avoiding the risk of failure of a complete Fontan operation, it also partly relieves symptoms. If all is well after the Glenn shunt, and the lung vessel resistance is low, a change to complete Fontan is possible. Otherwise, nothing further is done.

Pre-Op Day

it's the day before. Very early this morning Marvin and Hannie made their way to the heart of Toronto for Gerad's pre-operation day. They did the standard testing such as ECG, x-ray and bloodwork. Gerad was overly tired as everytime he would be sleeping, he would need to be woken up for the next test. Hopefully he gets some good winks till the morning and we hope Hannie and Marv do too. I will update you all as I know more and as time progresses.

Stay tuned...

Monday, March 16, 2009

The countdown is on...

The next scheduled surgery date is set for Tuesday, March 31.

Although Marvin and Hannie are looking forward to getting it done, and Gerad needs it because he is growing and his body needs more oxygenated blood, it also is with heavy hearts. To go through it all again, knowing all the pains, fears, worry. What encouraging to know that there is a God who stands above all, Who can make all things well!

Dear Marv and Hannie, we are praying for you as you face the days ahead. May your hearts be filled with peace and courage, relying on our Heavenly Father, Who sees and cares. Though strong winds may come and the waves are high; may your anchor be secure in the Rock. Be strong for Gerad and for each other and know we are lifting you up in prayer!

Geef de Heiland 't roer in handen van uw aardse levensschip.

Hij zal veilig u doen landen, Hij kent elke rots en klip.

Zij uw scheepje groot of klein laat de Heiland stuurman zijn.

Hoe ook stormen mogen woeden laat het roer stil in Zijn hand,

Hij zal in 't gevaar behoeden, Hij brengt veilig u aan land.

Beeft g' ook al van angst en pijn laat de Heiland stuurman zijn.

Blijf toch rustig Hem geloven,richt bij 't felste stormgedruis

't hart omhoog, het oog naar boven daar bracht Hij reeds velen thuis.

Hoe ook alles donker schijn laat de Heiland stuurman zijn.

Veel gevaar bedreigt het leven maar het grootst is al 'k niet stil

alles aan Hem overgevenen ook zelf nog sturen wil.

Daarom Heiland houd mij kleinen wilt Gij maar stuurman zijn.

More pictures...

:: Gerad and Gesina ::

This chunky boy now weighs
17.14 lbs!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

At the hospital...

:: ready for the echo to begin...
moments later he got an oral sleeping tonic ::
:: resting after the procedure was done ::
On Monday, March 16, doctors plan to get together to discuss when Gerad's next surgery will take place. In the meantime they were very pleased with Gerad's growth and development. Fifty percent of Hypo Plastic Left Heart patients grow new blood veins in the heart after the Norwood Surgery, which means more blood for the tiny heart to pump. During the procedure he just underwent, they clamp off these veins to disable further growth. With Gerad there was NO new growth. That means they didn't have to do more work on him and it shows that God does care. He cares even about the tiny details!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

quick update...

Marv, Hannie and Gerad are HOME! A doctor and nurse said that Gerad was a good Norwood Star because he is doing so well and is so chubby. His IV line had to be inserted in his foot because his hand had too much padding!

That is all for now folks!

I hope to talk to Hannie in the morning and will update more then.


At ten this morning Marv and Hannie could see *~Gerad~* and hold him.
He wasn't allowed to have milk yet, so he drank 6 oz of sugar water.
Everything went well and looked very good. One artery was narrowing, but nothing to worry.

During the procedure they said they would take pressures from his lungs and heart, take pictures and tiny blood samples from his heart.

The Doctor should get in touch with them soon to discuss things further.

And momma Hannie is feeling better today!

Will update when I know more!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Testing went good today and the procedure is scheduled for tomorrow morning. During his echo Gerad was given something to sleep, so he would lay still. After he woke up he as jolly as can be. He laughed and giggled, coo-ing and kicking his feet with excitement.
Hannie is sick and we hope and pray she gets a good night sleep and she feels better in the morning. They will most likely have a computer available for use during their waiting time while Gerad is undergoing the procedure. Do take some time to send them a message or leave a comment. I am sure they will greatly appreciate it!
You can email them at hannie_bos@hotmail.com
God's will is exactly what we would choose
if we knew what God knows.
Every experience God gives us,
every person He puts into our lives,
is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see. ~Corrie ten Boom
The fight for joy is the struggle to trust God with the burdens of life. It's a fight for freedom from worry. It's a fight for hope and peace and joy which are all threatened by unbelief and doubt about God's promises. ~John Piper

Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer;
...the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. Isa 58:9, 11

Testing Day...

Marvin, Hannie and Gerad left early this morning to go to Toronto for Gerad's testing. Gerad was not allowed to eat since 5 a.m. since they wanted to put him to sleep while they do the echo, which they wanted to do shortly after eight o'clock.
If all tests look well, with no sign of infection or cold, they will procede tomorrow with the procedure to take a camera into his heart via his groan, and see what it looks like. From there they decide when he will need his next surgery.
Most nights he wakes up and he has no idea how tiring this is for his momma. Last night he was a good boy and slept from 10 o'clock until it was time to wake up to go. What a good boy! And what a small relief for his momma!
:: there is nothing better than a gebakken vissien van Opa! ::

:: oh, so tasty ::

:: je zukken je vingers ur bai op ::

( Gerad sucking on a delicious piece of fried fish, fried by his Opa)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Giggling Gerad

This week Gerad had an appointment with his regular doctor and she was very pleased. He is above average with his weight gain. After all the sniffles and his bout of pneumonia, she said it's the best she has heard his lungs in a long time. Much reason for thanksgiving! God is Good!

Daddy Marvin just assembled his highchair and he was enjoying it while I just talked with Hannie on the phone. My heart swells with gratitude for all His tender mercies!

Then was our mouth filled with laughter,

and our tongue with singing...Psa 126:2

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pictures, Everyone!

:: Howdy! ::

:: with cousin Pieter ::

:: Our future medical scholar ::

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance:
Pro 15:13