moments later he got an oral sleeping tonic ::
On Monday, March 16, doctors plan to get together to discuss when Gerad's next surgery will take place. In the meantime they were very pleased with Gerad's growth and development. Fifty percent of Hypo Plastic Left Heart patients grow new blood veins in the heart after the Norwood Surgery, which means more blood for the tiny heart to pump. During the procedure he just underwent, they clamp off these veins to disable further growth. With Gerad there was NO new growth. That means they didn't have to do more work on him and it shows that God does care. He cares even about the tiny details!
God die alles maakte,
De bloempjes in de wei,
De Hemel zee en aarde,
Hij zorgt ook voor mij.
Glad to hear all went good sofar.Marv and Hannie, all the best with your Hartedieffien...
Love Grie ,Jan,Jo,Pi,La... hahaha
Geraldine,Albertine and Johan.
Great news Marv and Hannie!
Luv A and C
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