Today was check up day and Opa Bos took Momma Hannie and Gerad in to see the Pediatric Cardiologist since it was quite the winter weather. Gerad's blood pressure was perfectly normal, but they still wanted to do a blood test. They had a very hard time drawing blood from his veins so they had to take it out drop by drop from his heal. Poor Gerad!

One day he was sitting quite contently in his chair when he started to bring forth sounds from his diaper, not once, not twice, but lots of times. Momma Hannie suspected a big mess, but not quite this big!
Ahh, the joys of motherhood...!
She.....worketh willingly with her hands
Pro 31:13
ik denk al,wat ruik ik!!
wat een lekkere skat.
glad his bloodpressure was normal.
hey Hannie, I like your playpen.
looks familiar.
all the best and hope you may enjoy your first christmas with Gerad.
love Grie, Jan and family
Hey Marv and Hannie,
Hope everything continues to go well, the poop diaper looks similar to the one Aaron just had last night, he has a touch of the flu so his diapers have been great lately!!
Hope you had a good Christmas with you little family,
Love Andy and Christa and kids
oe lieve, dat ur zovuul stroend ut zoon klein getjen koemen kan.Geniet van jullies kleine jongetje. tante Hennie en ome Klaas
SOOOOO precious!
Too funny! You got to love those blow-out surprises...LOL!
Micah (CMOMB)
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