Monday, December 15, 2008

Pictures of our Little Man!

Hello Everyone!
Today Gerad went for his check up and he now weighs 12.11 lb!!! And measuring a tall 60.8cm! Everything with his heart is good although his blood pressure was measuring high, so he gets blood work done next week to see what is causing it. High blood pressure and his treasured heart may not be a good mix!
He loves playing in his play pen with all his bright colored toys. The train quilt he is laying on is made by an elderly lady from the nursing home where Hannie used to work.
Pray that his blood pressure goes down.
And we know that all things work together for good
to them that
love God.
Romans 8:28

1 comment:

Andy Neels said...

Marv and Hannie
He definitley is a beautiful little boy! Hope the blood testing all turns out o.k. Still thinking of you guys and would sure love to see your little man! Take care, love Andy, Christa and kids.