Sleeping peacefully...
The dishes are done, the floors swept, and the laundry caught up. Mother Hannie is happy because Gerad is being soo happy and nice and lief. Now they are both happy. And because they both are happy, Dad Marvin is happy too. Now we have one very happy family on Middle Town Line.
Gerad is getting into a routine and you can tell he is gaining weight now too! He seems to have his nights and days in the correct order and feedings are going good and he is not crying so much anymore. Last night on the way to a wedding reception he cried and cried and Han and Marv didn't think it would be a good night. But he surprised them by going to sleep quickly for a l-o-n-g stretch and they were able to enjoy the evening. 
Our Miracle Boy...
An adorable boy with big eyes, cute nose, kissable lips and a dimple when he smiles! Yes, he is smiling! To his dad, of course, because he just can't wait to trail along behind him to help with the fall clean-up of the yard. When I visited this afternoon, it was not hard to notice the LOVE his parents have for him. The appreciation and thanksgiving that flows when they hold him, stroke his cheek yet another time, shower him with kisses or look into his beautiful big eyes. They are in awe and Dad Marvin calls him a Miracle. Yes, a miracle and true evidence that God cares for us, loves us, answers prayer and gives us what we ask for. Even when our requests are great and our petitions and desires be endless. But, the greater our need, the more He can show us how mighty He is, how strong, how powerful and how compassionate!
O that men would praise the Lord for His goodness.
Psalm 107:8
Marv and Hannie
He's a beautiful little boy!! Glad to hear everything is going well!. Love A and C.
Oh, wat een lekkere.
he looks so cute, we are glad to hear he's calming down. Makes everybody happy. Keep it up,Gerad!!!
An overseas cuddle from all of us.
Jan, Grie and family
Awww! What a precious baby boy! Thank you for your comment on my post. :)
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