Friday, November 21, 2008

Enjoy Everyone!

a picture says a thousand words!

He can smile, he can smile!!! A little nap, mom!
Twee hartediefjes...Gerad met nichtje Gesina


Andy Neels said...

He's a beautiful little boy Marv and Hannie.He's looking really good and happy!??
Take care, love A and C and kidz.

Grietje said...

Ja, echt twee hartediefjes.
Gerad heeft net zulke (ondeugende)
lieve oogies als LA......
liefs Grietje, Jan en kinderen.

Henrietta said...

Wow he sure has big eyes...from his aunty kath I guess...(kari has them too) or does it just look that way? We sure love looking at his pictures...Jer really wanted to fly over and hold him for a minute. Hopefully you're getting a bit of rest once in a while, Hannie...I know, its not easy with so little sleep. We're thinking of you. Love jer and mar and kids.