Gerad cries,
Gerad sleeps,
and Momma Hannie sighs a sigh of relief.
For a precious moment....
Yes, according to Hannie, he cries, and cries alot. On tuesday they went for another checkup in Toronto and he behaved so well the doctor had a hard time believing that he cries so much. Hannie thought: "Je kuunnen ut wel, jongetjen..."
He did not gain any weight, but that could also be due to the fact he was weighed on two differnt scales, one in London, the other in Toronto. They are experimenting different things to see what makes him cry, but other than that his stats (blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level) showed better than a week ago.
He is still very cute, and being his aunt, I can say his cry is a very soft , adorable sound.
Mother Hannie doesn't always think so.
Weeping may endure for a night,
but joy cometh in the morning.
Psalm 30:5
He looks a bit like Marv when I used to tease him at home.
dear Hannie and Marvin,
I think Gerad did some catching up in crying. Am I right, mommy Hannie???
We hope he settles down soon.
Groetjes, Jan, Grie and fam
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