Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 3: Surgery Day


Our Heavenly Father, we come before Thee today to thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us. For the Blessing of a new little life Thou hast given into the hands of Marvin and Hannie. Be with them today as they give their dear beloved child into the hands of the surgeons so they may reconstruct little Gerad's heart. We ask you to guide the doctors hands skillfully and bless the work of their hands. Bless all the nurses and doctors and health care workers for their diligence and care to so many people who need care and are hurting. Reward them for their unselfish love and care. Be with little Gerad, keep Him in the the hollow of Thy Hand, for Thou hast promised in Thy Word that thou healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds. Keep him strong thoughout today, tomorrow and the days to come. Send Thy Peace into the hearts of Marvin, Hannie, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends and loved ones, that we may know and trust that Thou hast a great purpose in the life of little Gerad. That Thy ways are not our ways, and Thy way is Perfect. It will be a long day for us, but help us to stay peaceful as go about our daily duties prayerfully and practise keeping our thoughts in check. Strengthen the hearts of Marvin and Hannie expecially, and surround them with Your Love and tender care. Help Hannie further recover from the labour delivery and restore her, putting a song in her heart for the blessing of being a mother!
This, we humbly ask, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN!


Unknown said...


tante Bou said...

It's little Gerad's proud mom! This is the first time that I am viewing this blog and it leaves me touched deeply for your comments thoughts, prayers and well wishes! A VERY special THANK YOU to tante Bou for your loving support and all the time and effort you take to put this blog together! Its really cute!
Right now Gerad is in surgery. He got picked up at 8;45am. A nurse just let us know that they actually didn't start till 11 because putting lines in took longer then expected but for the rest the operation so far seems to be going well! We spoke with the chief of heart surgeons yesterday. Dr. van Arsdale. We asked him what looked positive and negative for the surgery. Obviously he doesn't know what the outcome will be, but that everything mostly looked positive considering he's a big baby, breathing on his own, his heart rate, blood preasure and all other vital signs, which are being monitored are stable and that basicly the only and biggest negative is that little Gerad has hypoplastic left heart.
Thanks again for your comments on this blog and prayers.
Love Marv and Hannie:)