He has been moved to fourth floor into a parent room where Marv and Hannie have a shower/bath room and a bed and cot in the room! They enjoy feeding, burping, bathing, diaper changing, dressing when he needs it: and hugging and snuggling Gerad simply when they want to!
Marv said he has a good cry: evidence of a healing throat and a good pair of lungs!
Our boys got to play with him and Buddy a bit yesterday!
'My God is so BIG,
So strong and so mightly
there's nothing my God cannot do...'
ohhhhh ur babys really cute!!!!X3
Dear Marvin and Hannie,it is good to hear that Gerad is improving,and that he is getting the hang of drinking from the bottle.Al the best,love Sjaak,Wilma and the kids.
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