His abdomen is swollen and they took an x-ray, but saw nothing. He now gets 9 cc breastmilk~ of which there is a bountiful supply~ every three hours! He has two tubes, one that drains his chest and another going into his abdomen (not sure what for), but they clamped the one going into his stomach today to see if he would tolerate without it and he seemed to do well. Once that tube can be taken out, he can come off the ventilator!!! Maybe tomorrow!
He had a slight temperature so the nurse placed a bag of ice on his head to cool him off. He didn’t seem to mind at all!
Here is nurse Kim doing bloodwork, filling his 'bottle' with milk, among other things.
We have thought, O God,
on Your lovingkindness.
Psalms 48:9
Dear Auntie Hannie and Uncle Marv,
We are happy to hear Gerad is doing so good, we wish we could see him.The picture of him with the heart on his cheek is sooo cute.
P.s. Happy Birthday Auntie Hannie!
Love you, from Nicole, Kendra,Jordan and Aaron.
Dear Hannie and Marvin,
We continue to think of you and wish you much strength as you stand at your little son's bed, he looks adorable. We hope he may continue to get stronger.
Happy belated birthday Hannie,
sincerely, Karl, Darlene, Kevin and Danielle.
Dear Marvin and Hannie, We are happy for you two and Gerad that things are going better.That ice pack sure looks cold!!We hope that Gerad keeps getting better and that you guys can go home soon.Love Sjaak,Wilma and the kids.
Hallo!!!!!daar allemaal,
Van harte gefeliciteerd met de geboorte van jullie's kleine lieveling..
Heel bijzonder dat wij zo op deze manier toch een beetje op kraamvisite kunnen komen!
We zijn blij dat het ondanks alle grote zorgen toch goed met hem mag gaan...
Bij "oenze"Bou ook alles goed?
Heel leuk van Bou dat ze ons op deze manier op de hoogte houd!!!
Allemaal de hartelijke groeten en een dikke "poes" van tante Hennie en de meiden.
Lieve Wilma,Sjaak en de kids
Heel leuk dat we elkaar op deze manier mogen ontmoeten!
Dan is een wereldje heel klein he??
Bij jullie ook alles goed?
We zouden het heel leuk vinden om wat van je te horen,hebben jullie ook Email?
De hartelijke groetjes van tante Hennie.
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