Each time Marv and Hannie want to see Gerad, they need to call the nurses to see if they can come in, just to make sure they are not in the middle of doing something, such as working on him or doing a shift change. This morning they called in and they had already started the procedure of closing his chest!! That is SUCH a blessing; now that can start to heal!!! One step at a time. The Nurse said yesterday Gerad would retain fluid again (but not as much) and will have to lose it again. For the rest he was doing good yesterday.
He did have an episode that really scared them. Hannie was just standing behind his bed talking to a nurse when he suddenly started breathing quick short breaths. He had the hiccups and it must have made him very uncomfortable. He squirmed and tried to cry but couldn't because of the tubes down his throat and then he turned blue and hot. After a few minutes he calmed down, although those minutes seemed more like an hour. Marvin and Hannie were relieved but thankful that it was not something more serious! With the possibility of taking steps backwards, he continues to take little steps forward.

See these little feet? They look so sweet and adorable, don't they? Well, he is causing mischief with them allready! He was laying there, awake and kicking away with these little feet when one of his tubes got stuck between his toes and as he stretched, plop, out he pulled the tube! That is when he fell soundly asleep and the nurse had a hard time explaining that Gerad himself had caused the trouble and she didn't do it: "HE did it, he did it...!" she repeated, as Gerad lay sleeping like a good little boy!!!
He gets lots of 'oohs and ahhhs' on his toes:
"Look at those toes...!"
"wow, he could poke my eyes out with those...!"
"with feet like that he'll be climbing trees in no time...!"
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Luk 12:7
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