Monday, October 20, 2008

A Special Note!!

Hi, How are you doing? I am doing ok.
Saturday was moving day for me!!! I went all the wayto the fourth floor. I have my own room that I get to share with my dad and mom! Just like I would be doing if I was at home. Mom and dad get to do lots of stuff to me now like diaper changes, washing, feeding through my tube, making me more comfortable and lots more things.
Yesterday nurse Alaina took my pacing wires out. They were there to hook up to a pace-maker if I would need one. The wires went through my skin and the ends sat right on top of my heart. But now they are out and I am thankful that they did not have to be put to use.
I was very fussy saturday night. We didn't get much sleep because i kept crying and throwing up, and I did NOT want the bottle. Doctors accessed me and they decided that maybe I was getting my belly filled too fast so now I get my milk through the tube again but its hooked up to a pump that regulates how fast the milk goes into my tummy and I have been feeling much better already.
I stopped getting the bottle yesterday because I was not drinking and it took too much energy out of me trying so hard and that burns too many calories and I need all the calories that I can get!This afternoon a lady will talk to mom and dad and try to slowly bottle feed me again and give some tips to help mom and dad feed me.
Also some BIG news!!!! All the medication lines are out! All I still have is the PICC line and that is so the nurses can give me medications if I need it! I also still have a feeding tube that goes in through my nose and then to my belly. One thing I don't like about that (and mom doesn't either) is that now I get a needle two times a day that I get blood thinner through, so that my shunt doesn't clot.
There are still sticky things on my chest to monitor my heart and the red light (that you have seen on pictures) is still on my foot or hand to monitor the oxygen level in my blood. So as you can read a lot has changed for me! But so far the doctors and nurses are happy with how I am doing, and as soon as i start feeding better my mom and dad can start thinking about taking me home. That's all for now!
Love Gerad Neels


Henrietta said...

Dear Marv, Hannie and Gerad,
We are very thankful that it is going reasonably well with Gerad. It's so nice for you guys to be able to hold him and feed him now. It must be nice to be in your own room with him and have some privacy. Our girls are often asking about Gerad in very serious voices, which makes us smile. We're very happy to see mom and dad again, but we know that it is hard for you without them. We wish you the best with Gerad and look forward to the updates on the blog. Love from Else Road.

Unknown said...

lieve Hannie Marvin en Gerad. We zijn heel blij en dankbaar te lezen dat het goed gaat met jullies kleine lieveling. Fijn dat jullie nu met z'n drieen op een kamer zitten.Kunnen jullie de kleine Gerad lekker de hele dag koesteren.Heel veel sterkte toegewenst en GODS Zegen. We kijken iedere dag of er nieuws is op de pc. allemaal de groeten en een dikke knuffel van tante Hennie

Jacqueline said...

Hey Marv and Hannie and Gerad!

Happy to know that nothing is turning for the worse! We hope to see you tonight with Appie and Barbara!

Love Corne and Jacqueline