Saturday, October 4, 2008

Precious little Gerad!

Marvin just called for an update and the nurses are happy about how he is doing. Lieve Gerad is stable, still critical, but doing everything he is expected to do. Last night when his sugar levels went up, it was actually a good sign as his body knew something was happening, creating more sugar, so he would have enough energy to fight.

He is on a ventilator because his breathing has to stay regular since his chest is still open and not to cause any extra stress on his chest area. He will be on the ventilator for at least the next two days.

He was on medication to control his blood pressure, but that now has come off and he is maintaining his blood pressure very well.

His color is pinky and that’s good as it means he is getting enough oxygen!

Ye that fear the LORD,
trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.
Psa 115:11


Jan Neels said...

Hi Marv and Hannie:
It's great to read that things are going in the direction we hope and pray they would go. We love seeing the updated pictures often and reading the updates about Gerad's progress. We hope you will both recieve the strength and courage you need (also the grandparents and siblings). We and the kids would love to be there with you! Take care of yourself.
Love Jan, Paula, Riana, Elberta, Corne, Jeremy, Karissa, Jayden, and Shalayna in Agassiz, BC

Andy Neels said...

Hi Marv and Hannie,
Its a scary but happy sight to see Gerad in his little "crib" with all the wires and tubes running everywhere.
We hope everything will continue to improve in the coming days.
Many thanks to Tante Boutje for updating this bolg, we check it every few hours.
The kids were pretty impressed with the picture of little Gerad.
Best wishes

Unknown said...

just wishing you all the best through the weekend, and hope everything continues to go well...

tante Bou said...


Dear Han and Marv,

Tho we are sad and worried, we are happy to hear that Gerad 'skatjen'is making progress
We know that the docters are doing their best.
It's all for the best of little Gerad, right?
Veel sterkte ook voor de opa's en oma's.

Love and a hug from overseas,
Grie, Jan + family

Joe said...

Hi Marvin and Hannie:
Congratulations with your little boy. We're happy to hear that things are going okay so far and hope that he keeps on improving. Wishing you all the best.
Love from Mark and Pauline